A place to work
Belgium is a peaceful country, it holds the world record for the longest period without a government that lasted for 589 days of compromises.
The capital of Belgium, Brussels is the second most cosmopolitan city in the world after Dubai, with 184 nationalities. Of the 1.2 million residents, more than half were born in a foreign country. This diversity leads to rich international gastronomy on top of the finest Belgian beers, fries, cheeses, chocolate, and waffles. The culture also benefits from diversity.
It’s easy to escape for a city trip or a few days since the country has a perfect location, in 2 hours by train or road you can reach England, France, Netherlands, Germany or Luxembourg and within a maximum of 4 hours flight you can reach any European country.
Three other points make Belgium a popular destination to live:
- high-level of the healthcare system
- high-level of the education system
- and excellent public facilities.
Finally, Belgium is the headquarters of the European institutions and many other international corporations.